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``` 在页面中定义需要使用的数据变量后,便可以着手准备页面内的数据了。 ### 准备错误码列表数据 准备数据的时候,考虑计划使用 shell 来进行处理,shell 默认对 JSON 处理支持能力不佳,所以这里需要将错误码进行整理,最好整理为一行几列的模式,方便程序读取和解析。 因为描述文本在后续调整更新过程中,潜在会引入逗号,所以这里使用分号作为分隔符,避免潜在问题: ```TeXT 400;Bad Request;The server did not understand the request 401;Unauthorized;The requested page needs a username and a password 403;Forbidden;Access is forbidden to the requested page 404;Not Found;The server can not find the requested page 405;Method Not Allowed;The method specified in the request is not allowed 407;Proxy Authentication Required;You must authenticate with a proxy server before this request can be served 408;Request Timeout;The request took longer than the server was prepared to wait 409;Conflict;The request could not be completed because of a conflict 410;Gone;The requested page is no longer available 411;Length Required;The "Content-Length" is not defined. The server will not accept the request without it 412;Precondition Failed;The pre condition given in the request evaluated to false by the server 413;Payload Too Large;The server will not accept the request, because the request entity is too large 416;Requested Range Not Satisfiable;The requested byte range is not available and is out of bounds 418;I'm a teapot;Attempt to brew coffee with a teapot is not supported 429;Too Many Requests;Too many requests in a given amount of time 500;Internal Server Error;The server met an unexpected condition 502;Bad Gateway;The server received an invalid response from the upstream server 503;Service Unavailable;The server is temporarily overloading or down 504;Gateway Timeout;The gateway has timed out 505;HTTP Version Not Supported;The server does not support the "http protocol" version ``` 将上面的内容保存为 `pages.csv` 后,继续编写数据解析脚本。 ### 编写解析脚本 因为我们预期使用 `alpine` 版本的镜像,镜像内默认只有 `sh`,所以这里编写功能的时候,不能使用 `array` 拆分的方式,需要进行变通: ```bash cat "pages.csv" | grep ";" | while read line; do CODE=$(echo "$line" | cut -d";" -f1) TITLE=$(echo "$line" | cut -d";" -f2) DESC=$(echo "$line" | cut -d";" -f3) echo $CODE; echo $TITLE; echo $DESC; done ``` 执行脚本进行验证,可以看到解析结果是符合预期的: ```TeXT 400 Bad Request The server did not understand the request 401 Unauthorized The requested page needs a username and a password 403 Forbidden Access is forbidden to the requested page ... ``` 核心功能编写完毕,接下来是站在“巨人的肩膀”上,参考官方镜像的脚本,实现“自动读取数据生成各种错误码页面”。 ### 编写模版生成脚本 官方容器中用于生成 nginx 配置的 “`docker-entrypoint.d/20-envsubst-on-templates.sh`” 脚本是这样编写的: ```bash #!/bin/sh set -e ME=$(basename $0) auto_envsubst() { local template_dir="${NGINX_ENVSUBST_TEMPLATE_DIR:-/etc/nginx/templates}" local suffix="${NGINX_ENVSUBST_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX:-.template}" local output_dir="${NGINX_ENVSUBST_OUTPUT_DIR:-/etc/nginx/conf.d}" local template defined_envs relative_path output_path subdir defined_envs=$(printf '${%s} ' $(env | cut -d= -f1)) [ -d "$template_dir" ] || return 0 if [ ! -w "$output_dir" ]; then echo >&3 "$ME: ERROR: $template_dir exists, but $output_dir is not writable" return 0 fi find "$template_dir" -follow -type f -name "*$suffix" -print | while read -r template; do relative_path="${template#$template_dir/}" output_path="$output_dir/${relative_path%$suffix}" subdir=$(dirname "$relative_path") # create a subdirectory where the template file exists mkdir -p "$output_dir/$subdir" echo >&3 "$ME: Running envsubst on $template to $output_path" envsubst "$defined_envs" < "$template" > "$output_path" done } auto_envsubst exit 0 ``` 可以看到思路还是比较清晰的,我们将前文中的解析脚本和这段脚本适当合并,来完成我们的需求。 ```bash #!/bin/sh set -e ME=$(basename $0) auto_envsubst() { local template_dir="${ERRORPAGE_ENVSUBST_TEMPLATE_DIR:-/pages}" local suffix="${ERRORPAGE_ENVSUBST_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX:-.html}" local output_dir="${ERRORPAGE_ENVSUBST_OUTPUT_DIR:-/usr/share/nginx/html}" local template defined_envs relative_path output_path subdir defined_envs=$(printf '${%s} ' $(env | cut -d= -f1)) [ -d "$template_dir" ] || return 0 if [ ! -w "$output_dir" ]; then echo >&3 "$ME: ERROR: $template_dir exists, but $output_dir is not writable" return 0 fi find "$template_dir" -follow -type f -name "*$suffix" -print | while read -r template; do relative_path="${template#$template_dir/}" output_path="$output_dir/${relative_path%$suffix}$suffix" subdir=$(dirname "$relative_path") # create a subdirectory where the template file exists mkdir -p "$output_dir/$subdir" echo >&3 "$ME: Running envsubst on $template to $output_path" envsubst "$defined_envs" < "$template" > "$output_path" sed -i "s/^[[:space:]\t\n]*//g" "$output_path" cat "${template_dir}/pages.csv" | grep ";" | while read line; do CODE=$(echo "$line" | cut -d";" -f1) TITLE=$(echo "$line" | cut -d";" -f2) DESC=$(echo "$line" | cut -d";" -f3) export DEFAULT_CODE=$CODE export DEFAULT_TITLE=$TITLE export DEFAULT_DESC=$DESC export output_path="$output_dir/$CODE$suffix" envsubst "$defined_envs" < "$template" > "$output_path" done done } auto_envsubst exit 0 ``` 将内容保存为 `30-envsubst-on-pages.sh`,稍后使用。 ## 编写 Nginx 配置 因为官方镜像支持扩展配置,所以我们无需修改主 Nginx.conf ,只需要根据需求书写新的配置即可: ```TeXT server { listen ${NGINX_PORT}; server_name ${NGINX_HOST}; charset utf-8; gzip on; access_log off; log_not_found off; server_tokens off; location / { root /usr/share/nginx/html; index index.html; } error_page 400 /400.html; error_page 401 /401.html; error_page 403 /403.html; error_page 404 /404.html; error_page 405 /405.html; error_page 407 /407.html; error_page 408 /408.html; error_page 409 /409.html; error_page 410 /410.html; error_page 411 /411.html; error_page 412 /412.html; error_page 413 /413.html; error_page 416 /416.html; error_page 418 /418.html; error_page 429 /429.html; error_page 500 /500.html; error_page 502 /502.html; error_page 503 /503.html; error_page 504 /504.html; error_page 505 /505.html; location = /favicon.ico { add_header 'Content-Type' 'image/x-icon'; return 200 ""; } location = /robots.txt { return 200 "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /"; } } ``` 将上面的内容保存为 `default.conf.template`,接下来完成容器配置,就可以使用这个服务啦。 ## 编写服务容器配置 我们的容器配置文件其实很简单: ```yaml version: '3' services: errorpage-nginx: image: nginx:1.19.4-alpine volumes: - ./templates:/etc/nginx/templates:ro - ./docker-entrypoint.d/30-envsubst-on-pages.sh:/docker-entrypoint.d/30-envsubst-on-pages.sh:ro - ./pages:/pages:ro environment: - NGINX_HOST=localhost - NGINX_PORT=80 - DEFAULT_CODE=404 - DEFAULT_TITLE=The page you're looking for is now beyond our reach. Let's get you.. - DEFAULT_DESC=Page not found networks: - traefik labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "traefik.docker.network=traefik" - "traefik.http.routers.errorpage.entrypoints=https" - "traefik.http.routers.errorpage.tls=true" - "traefik.http.routers.errorpage.rule=HostRegexp(`{host:.+}`)" - "traefik.http.routers.errorpage.priority=1" - "traefik.http.services.error-pages-service.loadbalancer.server.port=80" - "traefik.http.routers.error-pages-router.middlewares=error-pages-middleware@docker" - "traefik.http.middlewares.error-pages-middleware.errors.status=400-599" - "traefik.http.middlewares.error-pages-middleware.errors.service=error-pages-service" - "traefik.http.middlewares.error-pages-middleware.errors.query=/{status}.html" networks: traefik: external: true ``` 你或许会疑问,为什么还有三个默认环境变量 `DEFAULT_CODE`、`DEFAULT_TITLE`、`DEFAULT_DESC`,这些变量是用于处理服务站点首页 `index.html` 文件,如果你愿意的话,可以自由发挥整点不一样的内容。 ## 最后 ![我使用的错误页面模版](https://attachment.soulteary.com/2020/12/06/404.png) 想要查看在线例子,可以访问:[https://error.soulteary.com/](https://error.soulteary.com/),例子模版编写参考了 [https://www.mantralabsglobal.com/404](https://www.mantralabsglobal.com/404) 的设计创意,感谢 Mantra Labs 的分享。 不得不说,新版本的 Nginx 容器镜像相当强大,从[历史文章](https://soulteary.com/tags/nginx.html)中也应该看的出我对它的喜欢:小巧、简洁、高性能、接口丰富。如果你还在使用老版本的 Nginx ,不妨考虑升级到最新版本。 --EOF