VB洗牌问题 如果把纸牌以二维数组的形式存储为a(1 to 4,1 to 13),怎样才能实现随机发牌? 将牌随机发送到一维数组a(1 to 52)里面? 我的解答,个人感觉已经极限了。不知道还有啥解法没。

Option Explicit

Dim bArr(1 To 13) As Byte

Dim bPoint        As Byte
'write by firendless
Private Sub cmdGet_Click()
    Call GenNums

    Dim Cards(1 To 4, 1 To 13)

    Dim bType As Byte

    For bType = 1 To 4

        For bPoint = 1 To 13

            Cards(bType, bPoint) = bArr(bPoint)

            Debug.Print Cards(bType, bPoint)
            txtEcho(bType).Text = txtEcho(bType).Text & Cards(bType, bPoint) & ","

        Call GenNums

End Sub

Private Sub GenNums()

    Dim bIndex As Byte, bNum As Byte, bTmp As Byte

    For bIndex = 1 To 13

        bArr(bIndex) = bIndex


    For bIndex = 1 To 13

        bNum = Int(Rnd * (13 - bIndex + 1)) + bIndex

        bTmp = bArr(bIndex)
        bArr(bIndex) = bArr(bNum)
        bArr(bNum) = bTmp


End Sub