一个利用InputBox求和的例子。重新写了个小函数。便于限制输入为整数数字。 特别感谢来自台湾的朋友GIDIN的指正~! ,多增加了几个判断,但是应该不至于影响速度。
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Function InputIntegerNumBox(Optional strLabel As String = "请输入一个数字", Optional strCaption As String = "程序提示") As Long
On Error Resume Next
Dim strTmp As String, bPoint As Byte
If strTmp = "Err" Then strLabel = "Input A Integer,Plz."
strTmp = InputBox(strLabel, strCaption)
If InStr(strTmp, "-") Then
If Left$(strTmp, 1) <> "-" Then strTmp = "Err"
End If
bPoint = InStr(strTmp, ".")
If bPoint Then
bPoint = bPoint + 1
If InStr(bPoint, strTmp, ".") Then
strTmp = "Err"
If Val(Mid(strTmp, bPoint)) <> 0 Then strTmp = "Err"
End If
End If
Loop Until IsNumeric(strTmp) = True
InputIntegerNumBox = Val(strTmp)
End Function
Private Sub cmdCommand1_Click()
Dim lngNumA As Long, lngNumB As Long
Dim lngSum As Long
lngNumA = InputIntegerNumBox("Input The 1st Num ,Plz.", "Fir Says:")
lngNumB = InputIntegerNumBox("Input The 2nd Num ,Plz.", "Fir Says:")
lngSum = lngNumA + lngNumB
MsgBox "The Result is " & lngSum
End Sub