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<title>Rag Doll</title> 
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/* ====== main ========*/
var RagDoll = function () {
	//private variables
	var M = {},
		S = {},
		D = {},
		dolls = [],
		nodes = [],
		blood = [],
		collisions = [],
		dragDoll = false;
		nBlood = 100;
	//private methods
	var _ = {
		$: function (id) {return document.getElementById(id)},
		addEvent: function (o, e, f) {
			o.addEventListener ? o.addEventListener(e, f, false) : o.attachEvent('on'+e, function () {f.call(o)})
		extend: function (t, s) {
			for (var p in s) {
				t[p] = s[p]
			return t;
		getPos: function (el) {
			for (var pos = {x:0, y:0}; el; el = el.offsetParent) {
				pos.x += el.offsetLeft;
				pos.y += el.offsetTop;
			return pos;
		getStyle : function (p, el) {
            return el.currentStyle ? el.currentStyle[p] : document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(p);
		randomInt: function (f, t) {
			return Math.ceil(f - 1 + Math.random()*(t-f));
		randomColor: function () {
			var cc = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''), color = '#';
			for (var i = 0; i < 6; i ++) {
				color += cc[_.randomInt(0, 16)];
			return color;
	function initScript () {
		for (var i=0; i<nBlood; i++) {blood.push(new Blood())}
		for (var i=0; i<dolls.length; i++) {
			for (var j=0; j<i; j++) {
				if (i != j) {
				// for collosions between dolls
					var o1 = dolls[i],
						o2 = dolls[j];
					for (var i1 = 0, n1; n1 = o1.nodes[i1++]; ) {
						for (var i2 = 0, n2; n2 = o2.nodes[i2++]; ) {
							if (n1.testCol == 1 && n2.testCol == 1) {
									n1p: n1.pos,
									n1o: n1.oBody.pos,
									n2p: n2.pos,
									n2o: n2.oBody.pos,
									n2s: new Vector(0, 0),
									r   : ((n1.size * .5) + (n2.size * .5)) / n1.h2Body,
									m2  : n1.mass / (n1.mass + n2.mass),
									m1  : n2.mass / (n1.mass + n2.mass)
	// Tool Bar
	function initToolBar () {
		var bar = document.createElement('div');
		bar.className = 'toolbar';
		bar.innerHTML = '<ul><li><label>bloody:</label><input class="ck" type="checkbox" checked="true" id="bloody-ck" /></li></li><li><label>gravity:</label><b id="gravity-text"></b><a id="gravity-up" class="bar-btn" href="javascript:;">+</a><a id="gravity-down" class="bar-btn" href="javascript:;">-</a></li><li><label>viscosity:</label><b id="viscosity-text"></b><a id="viscosity-up" class="bar-btn" href="javascript:;">+</a><a id="viscosity-down" class="bar-btn" href="javascript:;">-</a></li><li><label>flexibility:</label><b id="flexibility-text"></b><a id="flexibility-up" class="bar-btn" href="javascript:;">+</a><a id="flexibility-down" class="bar-btn" href="javascript:;">-</a></li><li><label>collision:</label><b id="collision-text"></b><a id="collision-up" class="bar-btn" href="javascript:;">+</a><a id="collision-down" class="bar-btn" href="javascript:;">-</a></li><li><a id="shake" class="bar-btn b" href="javascript:;">shake</a></li></ul>';
	function pushDolls (x, y, n) {
		var c0 = _.randomColor(), c1 = _.randomColor(), c2 = _.randomColor(), c3 = _.randomColor();
		var dolllist = [
			// person
			[[1,0,3,7,80,10,1, c0, 0, 0],
			[5,3,20,1,60,8,1, c0, 0, 1],
			[6,4,20,1,60,8,1, c0, 0, 1],
			[3,1,20,4,40,10,1, c1, 1, 1],
			[4,1,20,2,40,10,1, c1, 1, 1],
			[9,7,30,2,80,8,2, c0, 0, 1],
			[10,8,30,2,80,8,2, c0, 0, 1],
			[7,2,30,8,30,13,1, c2, 1, 1],
			[8,2,30,1,80,13,1, c2, 1, 1],
			[2,1,30,3,40,20,2, c1, 1, 1],
			[0,0,35,2,60,35,1, c0, 1, 1],
			[11,1,1,2,25,0,1, c3, 0, 0],
			[12,11,25,11,25,5,1, c0, 0, 0]],
			// rect
			[[1,2,100*.5,3,141*.5,20,2, c0, 0, 1], 
			[2,3,100*.5,0,141*.5,20,2, c0, 0, 1], 
			[3,0,100*.5,1,141*.5,20,2, c0, 0, 1], 
			[0,1,100*.5,2,141*.5,20,2, c0, 0, 1]],
			// triangle
			[[1,2,100*.5,0,141*.5,20,4, c1, 0, 1], 
			[2,0,100*.5,1,141*.5,20,4, c1, 0, 1], 
			[0,1,100*.5,2,141*.5,20,2, c1, 0, 1]],
			// point
			[[0,0,10,0,10,_.randomInt(10, 40),.1, _.randomColor(), 0, 2]]
		if (n === undefined) {
			zoom = S.h/500;
			dolls.push(new Doll(x, y, [
				[1,0,3,7,80,10,1, "#fff", 0, 0],
				[5,3,20,1,60,8,1, "#fff", 0, 1],
				[6,4,20,1,60,8,1, "#fff", 0, 1],
				[3,1,20,4,40,10,1, "#FF7a00", 1, 1],
				[4,1,20,2,40,10,1, "#FF7a00", 1, 1],
				[9,7,30,2,80,8,2, "#fff", 0, 1],
				[10,8,30,2,80,8,2, "#fff", 0, 1],
				[7,2,30,8,30,13,1, "#333", 1, 1],
				[8,2,30,1,80,13,1, "#333", 1, 1],
				[2,1,30,3,40,20,2, "#FF7a00", 1, 1],
				[0,0,35,2,60,35,1, "#fff", 1, 1],
				[11,1,1,2,25,0,1, "#da4901", 0, 0],
				[12,11,25,11,25,5,1, "#fff", 0, 0]
		} else {
			while (n > 0) {
				zoom = Math.random();
				var _i = _.randomInt(0, 4),
					_x = x == 'random' ? Math.random() * S.w : x;
					_y = y == 'random' ? Math.random() * S.h : y;
				dolls.push(new Doll(_x, _y, dolllist[_i]));		
				n --;
	var sking = false;
	function shakeBox (cb) {
		if (!sking) {
			var ol = parseInt(_.getStyle('left', scr), 10), ot = parseInt(_.getStyle('top', scr), 10), dl = 20, dt = 20, f = -1;
			(function () {
				if (dl > 0) {
					sking = true;
					scr.style['left'] = ol + f*dl + 'px';
					f *= -1;
					dl -= 4;
				} else if (dt > 0) {	
					sking = true;
					scr.style['top'] = ot + f*dt + 'px';
					f *= -1;
					dt -= 4;
				} else {
					sking = false;
					scr.style['left'] = ol + 'px';
					scr.style['top'] = ot + 'px';
					!!cb && cb();
				setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100);
	function initBarEvents () {
		var g = {
			u: _.$('gravity-up'),
			d: _.$('gravity-down'),
			t: _.$('gravity-text')
		v = {
			u: _.$('viscosity-up'),
			d: _.$('viscosity-down'),
			t: _.$('viscosity-text')
		f = {
			u: _.$('flexibility-up'),
			d: _.$('flexibility-down'),
			t: _.$('flexibility-text')
		c = {
			u: _.$('collision-up'),
			d: _.$('collision-down'),
			t: _.$('collision-text')
		ck = _.$('bloody-ck'),
		sk = _.$('shake');
		_.addEvent(ck, 'click', function () { RagDoll.eBlood = ck.checked })
		_.addEvent(g.u, 'click', function () { RagDoll.gravity += .1; g.t.innerHTML = Math.round(RagDoll.gravity*100)/100 })
		_.addEvent(g.d, 'click', function () { RagDoll.gravity -= .1; g.t.innerHTML = Math.round(RagDoll.gravity*100)/100 })
		_.addEvent(v.u, 'click', function () {
			if (RagDoll.viscosity >= 1.1) {alert('viscosity can not be more than '+RagDoll.viscosity+''); return}
			RagDoll.viscosity += .02; v.t.innerHTML = Math.round(RagDoll.viscosity*100)/100 })
		_.addEvent(v.d, 'click', function () { RagDoll.viscosity -= .02; v.t.innerHTML = Math.round(RagDoll.viscosity*100)/100 })
		_.addEvent(f.u, 'click', function () { RagDoll.flexibility += .1; f.t.innerHTML = Math.round(RagDoll.flexibility*100)/100})
		_.addEvent(f.d, 'click', function () { 
			if (Math.floor(RagDoll.flexibility*10) <= 4) {alert('flexibility can not be lesser than 0.4'); return}
			RagDoll.flexibility -= .1; f.t.innerHTML = Math.round(RagDoll.flexibility*100)/100})
		_.addEvent(c.u, 'click', function () { RagDoll.collision += .05; c.t.innerHTML = Math.round(RagDoll.collision*100)/100 })
		_.addEvent(c.d, 'click', function () { RagDoll.collision -= .05; c.t.innerHTML = Math.round(RagDoll.collision*100)/100 })
		_.addEvent(sk, 'click', function () {shakeBox(function () {pushDolls('random', 20, _.randomInt(3, 6))})});
		g.t.innerHTML = RagDoll.gravity;
		v.t.innerHTML = RagDoll.viscosity;
		f.t.innerHTML = RagDoll.flexibility;
		c.t.innerHTML = RagDoll.collision;
	function initEvents () {
		// mousemove event
		_.addEvent(document, 'mousemove', function (e) {
			e = e || window.event;
			M.x = e.clientX;
			M.y = e.clientY;
		// mouseup event
		_.addEvent(document, 'mouseup', function (e) {
			if (dragDoll && document.releaseCapture) {
			scr.style.cursor = 'default';
			dragDoll = false;
		_.addEvent(window, 'resize', resize);
	function resize () {
		S.w = scr.offsetWidth || 0;
		S.h = scr.offsetHeight || 0;
		scr.style['left'] = document.body.offsetWidth * .06 + 'px';
		scr.style['top'] = document.body.offsetHeight * .1 + 'px';
		//S.l = _.getPos(scr).x;
		//S.t = _.getPos(scr).y;
	// -- Blood Constructor
	var Blood = function () {
		this.o = svg.createLine(5*zoom, '#f00', 'round');
		this.o.move(-99, -99, -99, -99);
		this.pos = new Vector(0, 0);
		this.vel = new Vector(0, 0);
		this.bloody = false;
	_.extend(Blood.prototype, {
		start: function (x, y, vx, vy) {
			this.pos.equal(false, x, y);
			this.vel.equal(false, vx, vy);
			this.bloody = true;
		anim: function () {
			this.vel.x *= .9;
			this.vel.y *= .9;
			if (Math.abs(this.vel.x) + Math.abs(this.vel.y) > 1) {
				this.o.move(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.pos.x+this.vel.x, this.pos.y+this.vel.y)
			} else {
				this.o.move(-99, -99, -99, -99);
				this.bloody = false;
	// --- Doll Constructor
	var Doll = function (x, y, params) {
		this.nodes = [];
		this.Node = function (doll, p) {
			this.parent = doll;
			this.ind = p[0];
			this.oBody  = p[1];
			this.oSpring = p[3];
			this.hBody = p[2]*p[2]*zoom*zoom;
			this.h2Body = p[2]*zoom;
			this.hSpring = p[4]*p[4]*zoom*zoom;
			this.size = p[5]*zoom;
			this.mass = p[6];
			this.bloody = p[8];
			this.testCol = p[9];
			this.pos = new Vector(x + Math.random(), y);
			this.old = new Vector(x + Math.random(), y);
			this.vel = new Vector(0, 0);
			this.o = svg.createLine(this.size, p[7], 'round');
			this.o.style.cursor = 'pointer';
			this.o.parent = this;
			this.s = false;
			// drag events
			this.o.onselectstart = function () { return false }
			this.o.ondrag = function () { return false }
			this.o.onmousedown = function () {
				dragDoll = this.parent.parent;
				dragDoll.dragNode = this.parent;
				D.x = dragDoll.dragNode.pos.x - M.x;
				D.y = dragDoll.dragNode.pos.y - M.y;
				scr.style.cursor = 'pointer';
				this.setCapture && this.setCapture();
				return false;
			doll.nodes[this.ind] = this;
		_.extend(this.Node.prototype, {
			// blood splash
			bounce: function (val) {
				if (this.bloody) {
					if (this.vel.x*this.vel.x + this.vel.y*this.vel.y > zoom) {
						for (var i=2; i<2+Math.random(); i+=.25) {
							if (RagDoll.eBlood) {
								blood[Math.floor(Math.random()*nBlood)].start(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, .001-this.vel.x*zoom*i, .001-this.vel.y*zoom*i);
				return val;
			verlet: function () {
				this.vel.x = (RagDoll.viscosity * (this.pos.x - this.old.x)) || 1;
				this.vel.y = (RagDoll.viscosity * (this.pos.y - this.old.y) + RagDoll.gravity) || 1;
				if (this.testCol) {
					var size = this.size * .5;
					if (this.pos.x < size) this.pos.x = this.bounce(size);
					else if (this.pos.x > S.w - size) this.pos.x = this.bounce(S.w - size);
					if (this.pos.y < size) this.pos.y = this.bounce(size);
					else if (this.pos.y > S.h - size) this.pos.y = this.bounce(S.h - size);
				if (this != this.oSpring) this.satisfyConstraints(this.oSpring, this.hSpring);
				if (this != this.oBody) this.satisfyConstraints(this.oBody, this.hBody);
			satisfyConstraints: function (that, len) {
				var dx = that.pos.x - this.pos.x;
				var dy = that.pos.y - this.pos.y;
				var delta = len / (dx * dx + dy * dy + len) - .5;
				var m1 = (this.mass + that.mass) * RagDoll.flexibility;
				var m2 = this.mass / m1;
				m1 = that.mass / m1;
				this.pos.add(false, -m1 * dx * delta, -m1 * dy * delta);
				that.pos.add(false,  m2 * dx * delta,  m2 * dy * delta);
			rendering: function () {
				/* ---- body ---- */
				if (this.size) this.o.move(
					this.pos.x, this.pos.y,
					this.oBody.pos.x, this.oBody.pos.y
				/* ---- springs ---- */
				if (this.s)
						this.pos.x, this.pos.y,
						this.oSpring.pos.x, this.oSpring.pos.y
		/* == create Nodes == */
		for (var i = 0, p; p = params[i++];) { new this.Node(this, p) }
		for (var i = 0, o; o = this.nodes[i++];) {
			o.oBody = this.nodes[o.oBody];
			o.oSpring = this.nodes[o.oSpring];
	// segments intersection
	function segmentsIntersection (p1, p2, p3, p4) {
		var dn = ((p4.y - p3.y) * (p2.x - p1.x)) - ((p4.x - p3.x) * (p2.y - p1.y));
		if (dn) {
			var na = ((p4.x - p3.x) * (p1.y - p3.y)) - ((p4.y - p3.y) * (p1.x - p3.x));
			var nb = ((p2.x - p1.x) * (p1.y - p3.y)) - ((p2.y - p1.y) * (p1.x - p3.x));
			var ua = na / dn;
			var ub = nb / dn;
			if (ua >= 0 && ua <= 1 && ub >= 0 && ub <= 1) return ua;
		return false;
	// ==== Main Loop
	var run = function () {
		if (dragDoll) {
			dragDoll.dragNode.pos.x += (M.x + D.x - dragDoll.dragNode.pos.x) * .2;
			dragDoll.dragNode.pos.y += (M.y + D.y - dragDoll.dragNode.pos.y) * .2;
		// draw doll
		for (var i = 0, o; o = nodes[i++]; ) o.verlet();
		for (var i = 0, o; o = nodes[i++]; ) o.rendering();
		// draw blood
		for (var i = 0, o; o = blood[i++]; ) o.anim();
		// collision between dolls
		if (RagDoll.collision) {
			for (var i=0, o; o = collisions[i++]; ) {
				o.n2s.x = o.n2p.x - (o.n2o.x - o.n2p.x) * o.r;
				o.n2s.y = o.n2p.y - (o.n2o.y - o.n2p.y) * o.r;
				var ua = segmentsIntersection(o.n1p, o.n1o, o.n2s, o.n2o);
				if (ua != false) {			
					var ix = ua * (o.n2o.x - o.n2p.x) * RagDoll.collision;
					var iy = ua * (o.n2o.y - o.n2p.y) * RagDoll.collision;
					o.n1o.x -= ix * o.m1;
					o.n2o.x += ix * o.m2;
					o.n1o.y -= iy * o.m1;
					o.n2o.y += iy * o.m2;
		setTimeout(run, 16);
	return {
		eBlood: true,
		viscosity   : 1,
		flexibility : 1,
		gravity     : .1,
		collision   : .05,
		init: function () {
			_.addEvent(window, 'load', function () {
				scr = _.$('screen');
				svg = new vectorGraphics(scr, true);
				pushDolls(S.w*.5, S.h*.5)
// --></script> 
	<div id="screen"> 
		<div id="title">Rag Doll</div>               


右上角控制栏里的 “shake”和各种参数都可以点下试试看。

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Run Code:

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利用上面的直线和圆,其实就可以做个时钟了。: )